Synergy with Iram aims to provide individualized service to every patient and the treatment is tailored to the particular needs of every individual while ensuring that the patient receives ample time.
Professionalism, dedication and care are at the core of Synergy with Iram and a personalized service from me is the full holistic experience which my patients expect and deserve. Our treatment plan are tailored to be thorough and of an extremely high standard, in calming and relaxing environment.
Holistic comes from the word holism, which is the theory that parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection, such that they cannot exist independently of the whole; Holistic therapy is a form of healing that endorses holism. It regards the Body Mind & Spirit as greater than the sum of its parts and that these are connected.
Healing is not defining a condition, rather it is the belief that health can be achieved by strengthening one’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness… as a whole. To heal one is to heal them all.

Journey with iram
My Vision

My Mission

Why Holistic Healing helps?